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Volunteers for Virginia is an initiative of Election Day Tea Party 2012, an informal coalition of Tea Party and like-minded groups from across the country.


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The Volunteers for Virginia Results
Weekends Thru Oct 29
Homes Visited - 25,100
Postcards sent - 53,000
Texas Volunteers to VA - 139
Tennessee Volunteers to VA - 107

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    Volunteers for Virginia
    Needs Your Help

    CLICK HERE to learn more

    Over the past four years, you have given time you don't have, talents you didn’t know you had, and money you found in between your sofa cushions to save our beloved America from fiscal and economic ruin. You've stayed up late, sacrificed vacations, holidays, birthdays, and more because you truly believe in American Exceptionalism; believe in our founding principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and you believe in the moral imperative to deliver a future to your children and grandchildren filled with the opportunity and optimism you had when you were their age.

    Most importantly, you recognize that once the light of Liberty is gone, we might never get it back.

    Together, we have accomplished things that no one ever dreamed. We've fought and won countless local battles in our city councils and school boards and larger, national ones. We have changed the way Americans think about the role of government in our everyday lives.

    All this leads to where we are today: less than two weeks away from the most important Election Day in our lifetimes. WE NEED YOUR HELP TODAY to finish strong and elect a new president November 6.

    CLICK HERE to learn more


    Volunteers For Virginia logo

    Lorie Medina

    Christina Botteri

    Out-of-State Volunteers Visit 25,100 Homes, Send 53,000 Postcards to Swing Voters

    Volunteers for Virginia Results - Weekends through October 29
    Homes Visited - 25,100 Texas Volunteers - 139
    Postcards written - 53,000 Tennessee Volunteers - 107

    November 2, 2012 - In the closing weeks of the campaign, 246 volunteers from Texas and Tennessee have traveled to Virginia to visit more than 25,000 homes in Fairfax County, Richmond, Roanoke, and Virginia Beach. The volunteers are part of the independent get-out-the-vote project, Volunteers for Virginia.

    "Our volunteers have been fantastic," said Will McCullers, who has been leading We rVirginia volunteer efforts in Roanoke. "It means a lot to us that they would spend their weekends making the trek from Texas and Tennessee."

    Beyond the door-to-door voter contact, Volunteers for Virginia created a postcard campaign for volunteers who couldn’t travel to Virginia to help campaign. The program is an innovation first introduced by Volunteers for Virginia co-director Lorie Medina. Since its debut in September, the personal postcard program has grown exponentially in popularity.

    "Some of our postcard-sending activists, who sent more than 53,000 postcards to voters, have received notes in return," said Medina. "Nearly all of the responses have been positive. In a state that has been inundated by TV campaign commercials, it's a fresh way to deliver a personal message."

    "This effort has exceeded our expectations," said Nancy Smith, spokeswoman for We rVirginia, who is working with Volunteers for Virginia to get out the vote. "Our volunteers are working incredibly hard, and spending their own time and money. We're so thankful that they’ve taken time from their lives to talk to Virginia voters about this election."

    In the final days leading up to and including Election Day, Volunteers for Virginia will gather for their largest on-the-ground effort yet to assist with a final touch to tens of thousands of voters in neighborhoods across the state of Virginia, massive phone banking efforts on Tuesday to get Romney voters to the polls and last-minute persuasion at the polls to convince the undecideds to cast their ballots for the Republican ticket.

    "With Election Day so close," said first-time activist Tony Crego, "the feeling on the ground is a mixture of enthusiasm, confidence, and concern. People I talk to can't wait to get to the polls."

    For more information or to contribute to Volunteers for Virginia, visit us online at

    About: Volunteers for Virginia is a collaborative project between We rVirginia, LLC and Election Day Tea Party, an initiative of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of 30 local tea parties from around the country who work in cooperation on national projects.

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    Volunteers For Virginia logo

    Lorie Medina

    Christina Botteri

    Out-of-State Volunteers
    Pour into Virginia in Closing Weeks

    Visit 16K+ Homes, Send 43K+ Postcards to Voters

    Volunteers for Virginia Results - Weekends through October 14
    Homes Visited - 16,978 Texas Volunteers - 52
    Postcards Sent - 43,000 Tennessee Volunteers - 72

    October 19, 2012 - Volunteers in surging numbers are joining the independent get-out-the-vote project "Volunteers for Virginia," traveling to the critical swing state in the closing weeks leading up to Election Day.

    In the past five weeks, 124 volunteers from Texas and Tennessee have traveled to Virginia to visit 16,978 homes in Fairfax County, Richmond, Roanoke, and Virginia Beach.

    Across the country, hundreds of people from more than a dozen states are handwriting personal notes to Virginians about the importance of this election to the nation's future. This innovative program was first introduced by Volunteers for Virginia co-director Lorie Medina. Since its debut in September, the personal postcard program has grown exponentially in popularity.

    "People see that our letter-writing campaign connects with voters in a way that traditional campaign mailers, TV and radio ads simply don’t," said Medina. "To date, more than 43,000 handwritten postcards have been sent to Virginia voters, and hundreds more are being sent every day."

    Medina, who is also founder of the Frisco Tea Party in Texas, is pleased with the work of Volunteers for Virginia so far, but knows there is much to do in the final weeks of the campaign.

    "We know how important this election is for our future," said Medina. "Our volunteers are working incredibly hard, spending their own time and money to make sure that the great folks in Virginia understand the importance of this election as well - and we’re not stopping until the polls close on Election Day."

    The efforts are making a huge impact, according to Nancy Smith, co-founder of "We rVirginia," a group partnering with Volunteers for Virginia to get out the vote.

    "We are seeing the state and national polls finally start to reflect our experiences here on the ground in Virginia," Smith said. "The intensity is building, and we are seeing a lot of interest from undecided voters in Governor Romney, as well as the races down the ballot."

    For more information or to participate in Volunteers for Virginia, visit us online at

    About: Volunteers for Virginia is a collaborative project between We rVirginia, LLC and Election Day Tea Party, an initiative of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of 30 local tea parties from around the country who work in cooperation on national projects.

    # # #


    Volunteers For Virginia logo

    Lorie Medina

    Christina Botteri

    Volunteers Visit 10,000+ Homes in Virginia,
    Send 30,000+ Postcards to Swing State’s Voters

    The Volunteers for Virginia Results - Weekends thru Oct 5
    Homes Visited - 10,178 Texas Volunteers - 36
    Postcards written - 30,100 Tennessee Volunteers - 36

    October 12, 2012 - Energized by strong debate performances by Gov Mitt Romney and Rep Paul Ryan, participation in the independent get-out-the-vote project Volunteers for Virginia is broadening in the critical, closing weeks leading up to Election Day.

    In the past month, 72 volunteers from Texas and Tennessee have traveled to Virginia to visit 10,178 homes in Fairfax County, Richmond and Roanoke.

    Additionally, people from across the country are writing personal notes to Virginians about just how important this election is to the nation’s future, an innovation first introduced by the Volunteers for Virginia project by co-director Lorie Medina. Since its debut in September, the personal postcard program has grown exponentially in popularity.

    "Traveling to Virginia isn’t an option for me," said Paula Linker, a leader of a Republican Women's Club in Scottsdale, Arizona. "So I was excited to learn I could send my heartfelt thoughts directly to voters. Our group has handwritten thousands of notes - and we're sending more every day!"

    So far, more than 30,000 handwritten postcards have been sent to Virginia voters. The letter-writing campaign is reaching voters in a way that campaign mailers and TV and radio ads don’t.

    Medina, founder of the Frisco Tea Party in Texas, is pleased with the work of Volunteers for Virginia so far, but knows there is much to do in the last three weeks of the campaign.

    "We know how important this election is for our future," said Medina, who is also chief strategist for Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition. "Our volunteers are working hard and spending their own time and money to make sure that the great folks in Virginia understand it as well. And we’re not stopping until the polls close on Election Day."

    "We've seen a tremendous surge in interest from undecided voters, not just in Gov. Romney but in the candidates and races down ballot as well," said Nancy Smith, spokeswoman for We rVirginia, which is working with Volunteers for Virginia in getting out the vote. "Our volunteers from Texas and Tennessee are making inroads by talking to Virginians and we expect that effort to be a difference-maker on Election Day."

    For more information or to participate in Volunteers for Virginia, visit us online at

    About: Volunteers for Virginia is a collaborative project between We rVirginia, LLC and Election Day Tea Party, an initiative of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of 30 local tea parties from around the country who work in cooperation on national projects.

    # # #


    Nancy Smith
    804 305-2417

    Texas Tornado Rips Through Chesapeake, Virginia

    October 8, 2012 - Eighteen Texans flew into Norfolk International Airport on Thursday, October 4 for an intense weekend of canvassing undecided voters in the critical precincts of Chesapeake, Virginia.

    “It would be an understatement to say that Chesapeake is a battleground city for the presidential candidates, especially after having gone blue for President Obama in 2008 by such a slim margin,” said Nancy Smith, co-founder of “We rVirginia LLC," a grassroots group dedicated to voter education and outreach. "Our analysis of precincts show the swing suburbs of Chesapeake are critical to win Virginia, and subsequently, the presidency."

    Grassroots volunteers from the Hampton Roads Tea Party partnered with "Volunteers for Virginia," hitting the doorsteps of thousands of swing voters during a 3 day blitz in Chesapeake. "We heard from many Chesapeake voters that it’s time for a change, and their votes will be going to Romney in November," Smith said. "Many homeowners in Chesapeake enthusiastically greeted Texas volunteers, with one of them proudly proclaiming: "Don’t worry, everyone in our household will be at the polls on election day, and we’re voting for Romney!"

    Sharon Roberts, an activist from Texas, was thrilled to be on the ground in Virginia campaigning. "As we walked through the streets of Virginia speaking with independent voters, two things struck me as significant," said Roberts. "First was the tireless work being done by vast numbers of Americans from Texas, other states, and Virginia for the sake of liberty. Secondly, how blessed we are to live in a land of free elections where everyone can participate. People were happy to discuss the issues, and everywhere we turned there were patriotic inspirations. This Virginia experience exemplified the motto: 'United We Stand'."

    Dubbed the "Texas Tornado Weekend," plans to complete vital precincts was the goal, and the Longhorn State left its mark in Virginia, knocking on almost 2,000 doors and reaching almost 4,000 voters.

    Texas volunteers will return each weekend through election day, extending canvassing to Virginia Beach and Suffolk.

    Lorie Medina, co-leader of "Volunteers for Virginia," is excited to continue bringing in activists from Texas.

    "This was our fourth weekend bringing passionate Texas activists into Virginia ," Medina said. "We Texans, we know what's going to happen on November 6th in Texas. That's why we are committed to helping Virginia return to a strong red state. Texans are known for not giving up, and with the strong support of the local Virginia activists, we are an unbeatable team!"

    The passion on display by the Texans has immensely energized grassroots activists in Virginia, providing valuable momentum as election day approaches.

    "Having these amazing, patriotic volunteers travel all the way from Texas this weekend to partner with over twenty like-minded Southside Hampton Roads volunteers has been the most encouraging and inspiring event of this election season thus far," said Kristen Cooper, Regional Coordinator for We rVirginia’s Hampton Roads operations. "Their energy, enthusiasm, and passion has reinvigorated my personal resolve that our great Commonwealth of Virginia can turn the tide for liberty. God bless these Texans! I look forward to the next five weeks working with patriots from across the country. United, we will take our nation back on November 6 and win the battle for individual freedom."

    More Info:



    Volunteers For Virginia logo

    Lorie Medina

    Christina Botteri

    Out-of-Town Volunteers Visit Thousands of Virginians; Tens of Thousands Receive Handwritten Postcards

    The Volunteers for Virginia Results - Weekends thru Sep 30
    Doors Knocked On - 7,414 Literature Handed Out - 12,000
    Postcards written - 22,000 Postcards written - Spanish - 88
    Texas Volunteers - 21 Tennessee Volunteers - 18

    October 4, 2012 - Activists in the "red states" of Texas and Tennessee are finding new ways to reach across state lines to connect with swing state voters in Virginia as a part of the Election Day Tea Party project, Volunteers for Virginia.

    Over the last three weekends, activists have flown in from Texas and driven in from Tennessee for "neighborhood walks." In all, 39 volunteers have knocked on more than 7,400 doors.

    Texas volunteer Larry Lehrmann said, "The weekend was extremely stimulating and productive. I personally knocked on well over 200 doors and believe I positively influenced a large number of people. Just the fact we traveled all the way from Texas for this effort stunned most people, and was influential in itself.

    He added, "This is the first Presidential election where I have participated in block walking, and I would return to continue the effort if not for the need for campaigning here in Texas for state races."

    Back at home, more Texas and Tennessee activists are writing personal notes to Virginians, letting them know just how crucial their votes are this year. More than 22,000 handwritten postcards have been sent to Virginia voters, with more mailed daily.

    Lorie Medina, founder of the Frisco Tea Party, hopes that the letter-writing campaign will reach voters in a way that campaign mailers and TV and radio ads don’t. Said Medina, "Virginians tell us they are being inundated with 5 and 6 phone calls about their vote each night. More and more, the people are letting it ring.

    "Our postcard effort short-circuits the never-ending noise of traditional political advertisements," added Medina, who is also in Texas and chief strategist for Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition. "By contrast, we are sending personal messages from one concerned citizen to another expressing the importance of their vote to the future of our country."

    "It's exciting to see people across the nation helping to get out the vote in this crucial battleground state," said Nancy Smith, spokeswoman for We rVirginia, a coalition of local grassroots groups joined by Volunteers for Virginia earlier this year. "The postcards help deliver a personal message to people who might be undecided about which candidate to vote for."

    Volunteers will be focusing on Fairfax County during the weekend of Oct. 5 - 7.

    For more information or to participate in Volunteers for Virginia, visit

    About Volunteers for Virginia: Volunteers for Virginia is a collaborative project between We rVirginia, LLC and Election Day Tea Party, an initiative of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of 30 local tea parties from around the country who work in cooperation on national projects.

    # # #



    Volunteers For Virginia logo

    Lorie Medina

    Christina Botteri

    Volunteers Visit 5,600 Virginia Homes in 2 Weekends

    October 2, 2012 - Volunteers from Texas and Tennessee have spent the last two weekends in Virginia to assist in get-out-the-vote efforts in the critical battleground state.

    The effort, part of the independent project Volunteers for Virginia, connected the out-of-state volunteers with their like-minded hosts in Roanoke and Richmond to knock on more than 5,600 doors over two weekends in September.

    One volunteer from Texas, Collin County Judge Keith Self, said the door-to-door effort is key.

    "Our team of six Texans approached undecided voters identified by the Virginia organizers in the Richmond area. While some had made up their minds, many are still very interested in discussing the issues before they commit to either candidate," Self said. "Texans will make a difference in the Virginia presidential election if we continue to make the effort to go face-to-face with undecided and uncommitted voters. Door-to-door canvassing works."

    Volunteers who couldn’t make the 2,000+mile round-trip journey have sent more than 13,500 handwritten postcards to voters in Virginia, encouraging them to vote.

    "People across the country see that our economy is in shambles. They see how unsustainable our current fiscal path is," said Lorie Medina, founder of the Frisco Tea Party in Texas and chief strategist for Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition. "More than ever in my lifetime, citizens are reaching across state lines to work in swing states because they see that the futures of their families are at stake."

    "When we tell Virginians we talk to on their doorsteps that we've driven more than 900 miles round trip to ask them personally to vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, they're clearly impressed by the personal sacrifices we've made to bring that message to them," said Michael Patrick Leahy who has made the trip to Virginia several times from his home in the Nashville, Tennessee area.

    The local grassroots group We rVirginia, an organization formed to mobilize the grassroots community in Virginia for the sole purpose of impacting the 2012 general election, is hosting the traveling volunteers.

    Cumberland Tea Party Aretie Patterson said the trip to Roanoke was definitely worth it.

    "If I needed proof that our trips to Roanoke were making a difference, Dr. [Kim] Peaslee heard it Sunday at the Roanoke IHOP," Patterson said. "A customer was talking to a man at another table. He said his nephew’s name was on a list of undecided voters and that 'these people came 900 miles to talk to my nephew about Romney. Now you tell me, that they don't want him out of office!'"

    Volunteers will be focusing on Fairfax County during the weekend of Oct. 5 - 7.

    The Volunteers for Virginia Results - September 13-16
    Doors Knocked On - 5,600 Literature Handed Out - 12,000
    Postcards written - 13,500 Postcards written - Spanish - 88
    Texas Volunteers - 15 Tennessee Volunteers - 21

    For more information or to participate in Volunteers for Virginia, visit

    About Volunteers for Virginia: Volunteers for Virginia is a collaborative project between We rVirginia, LLC and Election Day Tea Party, an initiative of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of 30 local tea parties from around the country who work in cooperation on national projects.

    # # #



    Volunteers For Virginia logo

    Lorie Medina

    Christina Botteri

    Volunteers Reach Swing-State Voters with Personal Notes

    September 27, 2012 - Activists in the "safe" red states of Texas and Tennessee, wanting to do their part this election, are using a new approach to reach voters in swing states like Virginia.

    Working with the independent project Volunteers for Virginia, activists are writing personal notes to Virginians, letting them know just how crucial their votes are this year.

    More than 13,500 handwritten postcards have been sent to Virginia voters, with more being sent each day. Lorie Medina, founder of the Frisco Tea Party in Texas, hopes that the letter-writing campaign will reach voters in a way that campaign mailers and TV and radio ads don't.

    "Speaking with the people of Virginia, many of them are inundated with 5 and 6 phone calls about their vote each night. More often than not, they choose not to answer," said Medina, who is also chief strategist for Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition. "Our postcard effort short-circuits the never-ending noise of traditional political advertisements. By contrast, we are sending personal messages from one concerned citizen to another expressing the importance for the future of our country."

    "We’re so pleased that there are people in other parts of the country who are helping to get out the vote in our crucial battleground state," said Nancy Smith, spokeswoman for We rVirginia, an organization formed to mobilize the grassroots community in Virginia for the sole purpose of impacting the 2012 General election. We rVirginia's partnership with Volunteers for Virginia is producing results in reaching voters throughout the state of Virginia. "The postcards help deliver a personal message to people who might be undecided about which candidate will be their choice on Election Day."

    For more information or to participate in Volunteers for Virginia, visit

    About Volunteers for Virginia: Volunteers for Virginia is a collaborative project between We rVirginia, LLC and Election Day Tea Party, an initiative of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of 30 local tea parties from around the country who work in cooperation on national projects.

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