Here are some material things you can do TODAY to help return our country to our founding principles of limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility.
The Supreme Court Upheld "Obamacare" ...NOW WHAT??!
Some have said that there is nothing anyone can do to stop the implementation of the healthcare overhaul we call "Obamacare." But they are wrong!
Here is the first phase of a grassroots-powered plan to stop government-run healthcare at the state level.
First and foremost, it’s important that the states do NOT proceed in beginning implementation of Obamacare. Specifically, the states shouldn’t begin to set up the entities called "insurance exchanges" that are described in Obamacare. Two states have quickly moved towards this goal: California and Massachusetts. On the other hand, Texas, Virginia, and Florida have explicitly said that they are not going to move forward with any implementation until after the election. We need to add to that list!
The Governors and State Attorneys General have said that if Obamacare is repealed by the next Congress, then spending precious tax dollars to setup exchanges would be a waste of money.
Please call your state representative and state senator and encourage them to take this position of "wait and see." If you have a state rep or senator that is in a tough primary or general election race, now is the time to press them on this important subject. Don’t hesitate to make this a top campaign issue.
Come back often for more ideas you can take back to your group or do on your own!
Events are a great way to introduce and grow your group, as well as interact with your community.
Here are some great ideas you and your group can mix-and-match to make a terrific event in your neck of the woods.
Do you have an idea you want to share? Email and we'll post it here.
- Punchbowl mixer
- Cookie swap
- Bake sale
- Cake walk
- Pot-luck dinner/fellowship supper
- Chili cookoff
- Ice cream social
- Farmers' market booth
- Art fair booth
- Pick-it-up Picnic (gather in a local park, clean it up/refurbish as allowed, have a picnic)
- Jamboree
- Field Day (for grown ups and kids; Kids' Prez Phys Ed Challenge awards)
- Patriotic flash mob (a group gathers at a specific time & place with hand-held American flags. At the appointed time the take out their flags, wave them over their head for a moment, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Everybody cheers, then disburses - if they're near a store, ideally they go buy a little something)

- Food bank drive
- Book drive
- E-recycling
- Shredding event
- Donation drive (general donations to, say, Goodwill)
- Neighborhood garage sale
- Block party
- Progressive dinners
- Movie night (double feature; mixer & a movie; midnight movie)
- Job fair (event incl donation drive seeking professional attire for poor job seekers; resume & interview training)
- ONLINE Job Fair
- Candidate forum
- Meet-your-elected-officials mixer
- Activist training
- Healthcare symposium (what the new health care laws are doing; how it will impact your life and quality of living)