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Volunteers for Virginia is an initiative of Election Day Tea Party 2012, an informal coalition of Tea Party and like-minded groups from across the country.


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Constitutionally Limited
Fiscal Responsibility
Free Markets

The Volunteers for Virginia Results
Weekends Thru Oct 29
Homes Visited - 25,100
Postcards sent - 53,000
Texas Volunteers to VA - 139
Tennessee Volunteers to VA - 107

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    Entries in Wasserman-Schultz (1)


    Tea Party Leaders to DNC: Stop Lying About Us

    Michael Patrick Leahy


    Tea Party Leaders to DNC Chair: Stop Lying About Us
    Challenge Ms. Wasserman Schultz to a Debate on the Constitution

    January 12, 2012 - Local tea party leaders from around the country who organized the website today told DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz that it was time to stop lying about the Tea Party movement.

    "It's time for Ms. Wasserman Schultz to stop spreading her vitriolic and divisive rhetoric about the millions of Americans who support the Tea Party movement and its three core values of constitutionally limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility," said Mark West, President of the Chattanooga Tea Party.

    "Today, we are challenging Ms. Wasserman Schultz to a debate on the Constitution," said Michael Patrick Leahy, co-coordinator of Election Day Tea Party. "We think the country is ready for direct and civil discourse on what the Constitution says about the proper role of the federal government in our lives. That's the real issue. Ms. Wasserman Schultz and the entire leadership of the Democratic Party believe that the federal government should keep taxing and spending more and more. We in the Tea Party movement think otherwise."

    The first national event of Election Day Tea Party 2012 will be a celebration of the Tea Party movement's 3rd anniversary on February 25th, 26th, and 27th. On February 27, 2009, the Tea Party movement was launched with simultaneous tea parties in fifty cities which were attended by more than 30,000 tea partiers. This was immediately followed by Tax Day Tea Party on April 15, 2009, when over 1 million tea partiers participated in rallies held in more than 900 cities.

    Michelle Moore, organizer of the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition in February 2009, said "The St, Louis Tea Party will be happy to host this debate on February 25, 2012, the 3rd Anniversary of the movement. We think CNN, MSNBC, and FoxNews will be very interested in covering such an event."

    Lorie Medina, founder of the Frisco, Texas Tea Party and creator of the Victory in a Box Get-out-the Vote program added, "We'll put forward the Tea Party's view of the proper constitutional role of the federal government. Ms. Wasserman Schultz can put forward the Democratic Party's view of the proper role of the federal government. We'll let the voters decide which view they agree with, and which view is extremist."


    About Election Day Tea Party 2012: Election Day Tea Party 2012 is a project of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of thirty local tea parties from around the country who work collaboratively on national projects.

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